Hi friends! 

This is us. 

We are in Love.

With each other, with our. Children, with God……it is well! 


We have been missionaries since well over 20 years, living by faith, starting, serving, leading,many different ministries and so on…. 

We love Jesus and His bride and wann do everything to encourage these living stones to be build up into the beautiful temple God loves to inhabit! 


We are available to teach preach run seminars about: 

Worship & Missions

Prayer & Intimacy 

The royal priesthood

House of Prayer 

Listening to Gods voice & Prophecy


You can invite, book or ask us to come for teachings, seminars, preachings or just to drink a coffee. 


We also love to have people come along in our ministry trips, 

We offer internships in our caribbean houses of prayer and missionbases and much more! 


We are excited to hear about dreams and visions and are open to make new plans together! Feel free to contact us! 

What is the Organic Lounge?

It is a combination of the flavors that define our family, our likes, traditions and the new culture we needed to create in order to be alive and thrive.  It is also appreciating the uniqueness and richness of the nations we meet along the way.  The broader the differences, the bigger the room for embracing and learning from one another..  Lots of music, dancing, good food, arts, prayer, meditation, missions, mercy and compassion, teaching, reasoning, deep conversations, ears to listen, wings to fly and words of truth to launch and release is what our hearts are about. 
The organic lounge is the umbrella that covers a variety of ideas that come from the same heart.   A heart that longs to love and meet people where they are at.   It is an expression of the love we have found with lots of added personal touches.   See the world through our eyes.
It is the Lounge where we meet Organically, without pressure, no hurry, just enjoying each other and the beauty of creation.
If beauty is found in the eyes of the beholder, then, the Organic Lounge is an invitation to embrace the perception of beauty we see and gaze upon.
Welcome to the gaze of the One we love,
Naraleska Perez
Organic Lounge Co-Founder
Flavors of the Nations Visionary Leader
Did you know Series Project Developer

Is a celebration in honor of the nations.   What better way to represent the nations of the world and their uniqueness but enjoying the flavors of their delicious foods.     Have you ever travelled?,  what are the most impactful memories imprinted in your mind?.  The beauty of the landscapes?, the food stands by the side of the roads?, the uniqueness of their flavors?, the different ways they do things?.    Have you ever wondered, how do they make their food be so tasty?.    Well, that is what Flavors of the Nations is all about.   It is the culinary educational and practical branch of the Organic Lounge where you can learn with Volker and Naraleska the different culinary techniques to cook and bake the flavors of the Nations!.  We are passionate about nutrition and all our recipes will be focused in whole foods, whole ingredients, nutrient dense healing foods.

Sign up to Flavors of the Nations email news to keep up to date and receive one of Naraleska's favorite German cookie recipe as a welcome gift!.

Follow Flavors of the Nations on Facebook.

Is the nutrition educational branch of the Organic Lounge. 

It is an introduction of the flora around us.   There is so much goodness in creation we often don't know about!.  Therefore the question, Did you know?. 

It is a series of blog entries on a weekly basis explaining some often unknown aspect of the food we eat.    Anywhere in the world you find yourself in; there is beauty, mystery and so much nutrition right at your finger tips!.  Creation is wonderful!.  Let me tell you all about it!


"Listen carefully to Me, eat what is good and delight yourself in abundance."      Isaiah 55:2b


Follow the blog entries on Did you know Series or on my Facebook page Flavors of the Nations 

Is the call of action to create a place where every Caribbean Nation has a representation who recognizes who God is.  Recognizes Him as the Author and Giver of life, as the Source of wisdom and truth.  A place where His Word is believed and meditated upon day and night.   A place of intercession based on Scripture and the prayers of His heart.

It is the gathering of those who have understood and chose to arise in their calling as Kings, Priests and Sons of the Most High God. 

Our desire is to facilitate and create a platform for every nation to offer a place of encounter with God.  A place where all forms of arts are represented.  A place where we create and flow as we dwell with and meet the Creator.   A place where His name is praised, worshiped and His voice is listened to.

We believe that the Caribbean nations play a significant role in the current events in the world now more than ever.  We long to confirm and affirm their destiny as influencers of the nations, chosen to arise and stand for truth in a time such as this.   Let the islands sing of His glory and the fulfillment of His promises!.

Caribbean Prayer Rooms (CPR)


We love to have good and deep conversations with one another and the people around us.  

In the book of Hosea 4:6 says "My people perish for the lack of knowledge" and as we travel, we often see this to be true over and over. 

Often times it is not that people have chosen to go on a wrong path out of their own convictions and desires but out of the lack of knowledge and understanding of who they are and what they were created for.   There are hundreds of talks that are taboo and simply not spoken of, those are the conversations we love to have.   

We come from different backgrounds and up bringing, our perspective is often challenge by the opinion of the other, but that is what makes us grow and challenge what we truly believe.   Join us in our open discussions, we promise no sugar coating and no make up, just the pure reality of our thoughts.

Join our YouTube channel  VOLKERNARAS Coffee Talks, sometimes with coffee, sometimes with tea ...

Our journey began with a longing for freedom.  A self imposed challenge to let go of all comforts and a perceived sense of stability.  

We did not anticipate to find a renew sense of reverence to the awareness of God and the limitations of one's self, a real longing to become fully alive and live to the fullness.  An overflowing desire to be One with the Creator  and the nature in which we were created to dwell on.

We assumed to have prepared physically for it, but the depth of this journey was something that no one could have prepared us for.  It was glorious, and satisfying; it was painful and challenging; it slowed us down and simplified life.  It gave us a new perspective of THAT what is truly necessary. It taught us to be thankful for all things. 

So far, it is been one of the most rewarding experiences in our lives.  


 The camino for us, is about walking with God on the nations.  What started in the Camino de Santiago, on the north of Spain, has translated into a journey of declaring truth as we step into the nations of the earth.  The more in depth we went into the history of Spain, the more we discovered the intertwined relationships existing amongst the nations. 

We walk to pray, we walk to worship, we walk to declare God's heart and freedom and His longing for redemption of the nations.  

We take a long walk with a purpose, to feel the heart of God and speak that what He says. 



Is the annual gathering of the Houses of Prayer in the Caribbean.   Everyone with a heart to pioneer a house of prayer is welcome to join us!.   

We gather as a family and simply enjoy and bask under His presence.   It is a time of refreshing and strengthening.  Witnessing the growth of something out of our control.  We experience miracles as we see how new people with a clear hunger and passion show up and long to see transformation in their nation.  The response is to dedicate their lives to meditation of the Scriptures, intercession and worship before the One who is worthy.


Next CPR Gathering will be in February 2023

We invite you to enjoy some days of true rest with us.

In a place where we can enjoy time with our creator, we offer guided times of christian meditation, contemplative prayer and worship. You will have the opportunity to share this experience with likeminded people and learn to grow in your ability to continuously live in the presence of the One! 

Please ask for our next retreat@ volkernara@organiclounge.org 






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