We are a family of passionate people, in love with God, life and His creation.
We are a melting pot of cultures. A combination that adds flavor to our own diversity and uniqueness.
We travel the world in the hope to bring awareness of the One who loves us most.
We treasure people and believe we have all been created with value and purpose.
We love to speak truth and declare freedom to the captives.
Intercession, worship and a longing to pour the depth of our soul at the feet of His Throne, is the driving force that keeps us going.
We believe in redemption, restoration, transformation, restitution and second chances.
We take pleasure in the observation and appreciation of creation.
We know ourselves to be loved, so we love too!.
Walking is a passion of ours. Freedom has been found in the overcoming of our own strength and sometimes limited understanding.
It is a gift to be alive!.
You may find us ... somewhere ...
Looking forward to get to know you too!
Unsere Arbeit finanziert sich durch Wunder wie dich
unser deutsches Spendenkonto:
GoGlobal e.V.
IBAN: DE64870961240197202718
Verwendungszweck: 1500 Volker Böhm
(& bitte deinen Namen & Adresse für die Spendenbescheinigung)
Our ministry is financed by miracles and miraculous donations! Our donation link :
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